Software Project Management — Kanban Vs Lean Vs Six Sigma

Julian Wallis
14 min read
Team discussing software project management styles

Effective software project management is crucial for the success of any project. However, with different methodologies available, it can be confusing to choose the right one for your project. Kanban, Lean and Six Sigma are three such popular software project management methodologies you can use today in your business.

This article aims to explain the differences between Kanban vs Lean vs Six Sigma, their advantages, disadvantages and how to choose the right methodology for your project. Check out our previous article on Waterfall Vs Agile Vs Scrum if you want to learn more about them instead.

Without any further ado, let’s dive right into it, starting with Kanban.

What Is Kanban? 📈

Kanban is a visual management system that helps teams manage and improve their workflow. It originated from the manufacturing industry but has since been adapted for software development. Kanban uses a board that visualises the work process and limits the amount of work in progress (WIP). Teams use cards or sticky notes to represent work items and move them across the board as they progress through the workflow.

The Kanban software project development methodology is based on a set of principles that guide how work is managed and delivered. Below are the six principles of Kanban.

  • Visualise Work: Kanban uses visual cues, such as cards or boards, to represent work items and their status. This helps team members to see at a glance what work needs to be done, what is in progress, and what has been completed.
  • Limit Work In Progress (WIP): It limits the amount of work in progress at any given time to prevent bottlenecks and ensure that work is completed in a timely manner. This helps maintain a steady flow of work through the system.
  • Manage Flow: This methodology focuses on managing the flow of work through the system by identifying and removing bottlenecks and reducing wait times. This helps optimise the delivery of value to customers.
  • Make Process Policies Explicit: It makes process policies explicit by defining the rules and guidelines that govern how work is managed and delivered. This helps ensure that everyone is working to the same standards and expectations.
  • Implement Feedback Loops: It implements feedback loops to enable continuous improvement. This involves regularly reviewing and evaluating the work process and making adjustments as necessary.
  • Improve Collaboratively & Evolve Experimentally: Kanban promotes a culture of continuous improvement by encouraging teams to collaborate, experiment, and try new approaches. This helps drive innovation and increase the effectiveness of the work process.

⚖️ Pros & Cons Of Kanban

Kanban’s reliance on visual management tools helps improve transparency, collaboration, and communication. Its flexibility allows teams to respond quickly to changing requirements and priorities. It seeks to identify and eliminate waste, reduce cycle time, and improve quality continuously. This helps improve efficiency and reduce costs. Additionally, its focus on customer needs and expectations allows you to deliver maximum value to your customers.

However, it can be seen as lacking in structure and planning. Its focus on the software development process means it can fail to address other aspects of software engineering, such as system architecture, user experience design, and testing. Its heavy reliance on individual expertise and knowledge can be a challenge when team members leave or are unavailable.

Also, it doesn’t provide a mechanism for prioritising tasks, potentially resulting in teams focusing on less important tasks and neglecting critical ones. Finally, since Kanban doesn’t limit the amount of work in progress, your team members may be overloaded and unable to complete tasks effectively.

What Is Lean? ♻️

Lean is a methodology that focuses on maximising customer value while minimising waste. It originated from the manufacturing industry but has since been adapted for software development. Lean aims to optimise the entire value stream, from ideation to delivery. It emphasises continuous improvement and the elimination of waste, such as unnecessary work, defects and delays.

Lean software project management is a methodology that aims to streamline the software development process, eliminate waste and maximise value to customers. The principles of this methodology include the following.

  • Customer Focus: The customer’s needs and expectations are at the centre of the software development process. Lean software project management seeks to deliver maximum value to the customer by focusing on their requirements and priorities.
  • Continuous Improvement: The software development process is an ongoing process of improvement. Lean software project management seeks to identify and eliminate waste, reduce cycle time, and improve quality continuously.
  • Value Stream Mapping: Value stream mapping is a tool used to identify and eliminate waste in the software development process. Lean software project management relies on value stream mapping to identify and eliminate non-value-adding activities and improve the flow of work.
  • Pull-Based System: This methodology is a pull-based system, meaning that work is initiated only when there is demand for it. This helps reduce overproduction, minimise inventory, and ensure that resources are used efficiently.
  • Visual Management: Visual management tools are used to track progress and communicate information across teams. This helps improve transparency and collaboration, reduce the risk of errors, and ensure that work is completed on time.
  • Team Empowerment: It empowers your software development teams to make decisions and take ownership of the development process. Teams are encouraged to experiment, learn from failures, and continuously improve the quality of their work.
  • Kaizen Mindset: Kaizen is a Japanese term meaning continuous improvement. Lean software project management embraces the kaizen mindset, which encourages teams to identify and eliminate waste, reduce cycle time, and improve quality continuously.

🤼‍♂️ Pros & Cons Of Lean

Lean software project management puts the customer’s needs and expectations at the centre of the development process, helping ensure that the end product delivers maximum value to the customer. It seeks to identify and eliminate waste, reduce cycle time, and improve quality continuously.

It allows teams to experiment, learn from failures, and continuously improve their processes, empowering them to learn and grow. Since it’s focused on delivering maximum value to the customer in the shortest possible time, time to market is also reduced.

Businesswomen discussing pros and cons of Kanban vs Lean vs Six Sigma

However, it can be seen as lacking in structure and planning. This can make it difficult to manage complex projects and ensure that all aspects of the project are considered. There’s also a learning curve involved, which can take a while to get over for teams used to traditional project management methods. Additionally, the focus on delivering short-term results can sometimes result in a lack of attention to long-term goals and sustainability.

Another challenge is the prioritisation of working software over documentation, which can make it difficult to maintain and support the software over time. Finally, a potential con is that it doesn’t address other aspects of software engineering, such as system architecture, user experience design, and testing.

What Is Six Sigma? 👩‍🔬

Six Sigma is a methodology that focuses on reducing defects and improving quality. It originated from the manufacturing industry but has since been adapted for software development. Six Sigma uses statistical analysis to measure and improve processes. It aims to achieve a defect rate of 3.4 defects per million opportunities (DPMO), which is equivalent to 99.99966% quality.

Six Sigma is a data-driven methodology that seeks to improve the quality of software products and services by reducing defects and variability in the software development process. The following are the main principles of Six Sigma software project management.

  • Customer Focus: Akin to Lean, Six Sigma places the customer’s needs and requirements at the centre of the software development process. Six Sigma software project management seeks to deliver products and services that meet or exceed customer expectations.
  • Data-Driven Decision Making: Six Sigma software project management uses data and statistical analysis to make informed decisions about the software development process. This helps identify and address the root causes of defects and variability and make continuous improvements to the process.
  • Process Improvement: This methodology seeks to improve the software development process by identifying and eliminating non-value-adding activities, reducing waste and variability, and improving efficiency and effectiveness.
  • Defect Prevention: It focuses on preventing defects rather than just detecting and correcting them. This is achieved by implementing proactive measures such as risk management, quality control, and testing.
  • Teamwork: Six Sigma encourages teamwork and collaboration across different functional areas, including developers, testers, project managers, and stakeholders. This helps improve communication, knowledge sharing, and problem-solving.
  • Leadership Commitment: Leadership commitment is critical to the success of this software project management methodology. This includes setting clear goals, providing resources and support, and promoting a culture of continuous improvement.
  • Continuous Improvement: Continuous improvement is a fundamental principle of the Six Sigma methodology. This involves setting goals, measuring performance, analysing data, and making ongoing improvements to the software development process to achieve better quality and customer satisfaction. It can also include embracing new technologies.

⚔️ Pros & Cons Of Six Sigma

Six Sigma can help standardise processes and promote consistency across different projects. The reliance on data analysis to identify areas for improvement and make informed decisions is great because it can help reduce the likelihood of errors caused by human bias or subjective opinions.

Plus, by improving the quality of project outputs, Six Sigma helps increase customer satisfaction and build a reputation for delivering high-quality products or services. Finally, by reducing the occurrence of defects and errors, Six Sigma helps minimise rework and other costs associated with poor-quality outputs, leading to cost savings.

On the flip side, Six Sigma can be complex and require a significant amount of time and effort to implement effectively. Project managers may need to invest in training and resources to ensure that staff are familiar with the methodology and have access to the necessary tools and techniques.

Its heavy reliance on metrics and data analysis through solutions such as Pendo can sometimes lead to a focus on meeting numerical targets rather than addressing underlying issues or meeting customer needs. Also, Six Sigma may not be suitable for all types of software projects, particularly those that involve significant creativity or innovation.

Which One Is Best For My Business? 👩‍🔬

Kanban, Lean, and Six Sigma are all effective methodologies for software project management. Choosing the best one for your business depends on several factors, such as the nature of the project, the team’s skills and expertise, the business’s goals, and the resources available. It all comes down to what you want and which suits your specific business needs and situation.

📈 Kanban

Kanban is a good choice for projects that require a flexible approach, such as those involving continuous delivery and improvement. It is also ideal for projects that require a visual management approach, where teams can easily track progress and communicate information across teams. Kanban is a popular choice for Agile software development teams, and it promotes a culture of collaboration and continuous improvement.

Kanban software project management methodology can be useful for:

  • Projects that require flexibility and adaptability
  • Teams that need to manage and track work items in real-time as they move through the various stages of the project
  • Agile software development teams
  • Projects that involve continuous delivery and improvement
  • Providing a visual management approach where teams can easily track progress and communicate information across teams
  • Projects with a high degree of unpredictability, where changes are likely to occur frequently
  • Identifying bottlenecks and inefficiencies in workflow and taking action to address them

♻️ Lean

Lean is an ideal choice for projects that require a customer-centric approach and focus on delivering value. It is suitable for projects that involve complex processes and require continuous improvement. It is a data-driven approach that relies on metrics to identify inefficiencies and improve processes.

The Lean methodology can be useful for:

  • Projects that require a customer-centric approach and focus on delivering value
  • Projects that involve complex processes and require continuous improvement
  • Teams that want to reduce waste and eliminate any process that does not add value to the end customer
  • A data-driven approach that relies on metrics to identify inefficiencies and improve processes
  • Projects that require a systematic approach to problem-solving
  • Teams that need to prioritise work and manage resources effectively
  • Improving the quality of the project and ensuring that it meets customer requirements

👩‍🔬 Six Sigma

Six Sigma is great for projects that require a data-driven approach and focus on improving quality. It relies on data and statistical analysis to identify inefficiencies and improve processes. Six Sigma is suitable for projects that involve critical systems and processes and require a high degree of accuracy and precision.

Six Sigma can be useful for:

  • Projects that require a data-driven approach to problem-solving
  • Teams that want to improve the quality of their processes and products
  • Projects that involve critical systems and processes and require a high degree of accuracy and precision
  • Teams that want to identify and eliminate defects and reduce variability in their processes
  • Projects that require a focus on customer satisfaction and meeting their requirements
  • Teams that want to reduce waste and inefficiencies in their processes
  • Projects that require a disciplined approach to project management and decision-making
Businesswoman talking about choosing between Kanban Vs Lean Vs Six Sigma

Ultimately, the best software project management methodology for you depends on your specific project requirements and your team’s skills and experience. It’s essential to evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of each and choose the one that best aligns with your project goals and objectives. Plus, ensure you remain open to feedback and continuously evaluate the project’s progress and adjust the methodology as needed.

Can You Combine Them Or Mix & Match? 🔗

Yes, you can combine Kanban, Lean, and Six Sigma in your software project management approach, as well as mix and match as needed. Each methodology offers different benefits and can be applied to different aspects of the project management process.

For example, Kanban can be used to visualise the workflow and track progress in real-time, while Lean can be used to identify and eliminate waste in the process. Six Sigma can be used to ensure that the project meets the required quality standards and that any defects or errors are eliminated.

By combining them, businesses can create a customised project management approach that meets their specific needs and goals. It’s important to note that implementing multiple methodologies can be challenging and requires careful planning and coordination. The key is to identify the strengths of each and how they can be used to complement each other.

Key Takeaways: Kanban Vs Lean Vs Six Sigma 📊

In conclusion, Kanban, Lean, and Six Sigma are all popular methodologies for software project management, each with its own unique strengths and weaknesses.

Kanban is ideal for teams looking to visualise their workflow, reduce waste, and implement continuous improvement. It’s also great for projects that require flexibility and adaptability. Lean is suitable for projects that require a customer-centric approach and focus on delivering value. It is ideal for projects that involve complex processes and require continuous improvement. Six Sigma is perfect for projects that require a data-driven approach to problem-solving, identifying and eliminating defects, and ensuring quality standards are met.

Deciding which software project management methodology to use ultimately depends on the specific needs and goals of your business. You can choose to combine methodologies or mix and match techniques as needed to create a custom approach that meets your unique needs. However, it’s important to carefully plan and coordinate the implementation to avoid confusion and ensure a cohesive approach to software project management.

Ultimately, by understanding the pros and cons of each methodology, businesses can make informed decisions and create effective software project management strategies that support the success of their projects and overall business objectives.

Having difficulty choosing the best software project management methodology for your business? Our team of specialists can provide tailored technological solutions to tackle unique challenges, including picking or mixing and matching the approach that best suits you. Book a discovery call today to see how!

Published On

April 03, 2023