Stateful Vs Stateless API: What’s The Difference?

Jerry Wallis
17 min read
Programmers working

APIs, or Application Programming Interfaces, are something developers use to access and manipulate data and functionality from an application or service. APIs can be classified as stateful or stateless based on whether or not they maintain information about previous interactions with the client.

Simply put, a stateful API maintains information about previous requests, while a stateless API does not. Stateful APIs are helpful for complex workflows where previous interactions need to be considered, while stateless APIs are useful for simpler and more scalable systems. Choosing between a stateful and stateless API depends on the specific use case and the web application’s requirements, but more on that later.

If you are a little confused about the differences between the two, don’t worry.  Here’s an easy way to remember that: let’s take an analogy of ordering food at a dine-in restaurant vs ordering food at a fast-food joint.

A stateful API is like a waiter who remembers your order and preferences throughout the meal. For example, if you order a burger and fries, the waiter will remember that you also asked for extra ketchup and a side of ranch dressing. When you request additional items or demand changes to your order, the server can keep track of your preferences and ensure that your meal is served exactly as you requested.

A stateless API, on the other hand, is like a fast-food restaurant where each order is handled separately and independently. If you order a burger and fries, the restaurant will prepare your order without knowing your previous orders or preferences. When you order additional items, the place will treat each request as a separate transaction and will not maintain any previous context or history.

That’s the basic idea behind stateful vs stateless APIs. Now let’s dig deeper into them, shall we?

What’s A Stateful API? 🔎

A stateful API relies on the server to maintain the state of the client’s session. In other words, a stateful API requires the server to keep track of the current state of the client’s session, which includes all the information necessary to identify the client and its current form. This allows the server to provide a more seamless user experience since the client doesn’t have to resend the same information with every other request.

Because of that, stateful APIs can provide a more efficient user experience, especially for applications that require real-time updates or high levels of interaction. Since the server maintains the session, the client doesn’t have to resend the same information with every request, which can lead to faster response times and fewer errors. An online shopping cart is a real-life example of a stateful API.

Stateful API vs Stateless API: Add to cart example of Stateful API

On the flip side, stateful APIs can also be more complex and expensive to implement and maintain since the server needs to keep track of the state of every client’s session. This can require additional resources and be prone to errors if incorrectly implemented. In addition, stateful APIs can be less scalable since they need the server to maintain a larger amount of state information for each client.

On a separate note, stateful APIs can be implemented using various protocols, including HTTP and WebSocket. When using HTTP, the state information is stored in cookies or query parameters, while WebSocket maintains the state information through the WebSocket connection.

What’s A Stateless API? 🤷‍♂️

A stateless API is an API that does not rely on the server to maintain the state of the client’s session. In a stateless API, every request the client makes contains all the necessary information to identify the client and the session’s current state. The server processes each request independently and stores no information about the client’s session.

What happens then is that stateless APIs become simpler to implement and maintain since the server does not need to keep track of every client’s session. This can make stateless APIs more scalable, as they can handle many clients with less overhead. A weather API that provides current weather information for a specific location is a real-life example of a stateless API.

Stateful API vs Stateless API: Weather API example of Stateless API

Nonetheless, this simplicity comes at a cost. Since the client must include all the necessary information with every request, stateless APIs can be slower and less efficient than stateful APIs, especially for applications that require many small requests. Also, stateless APIs may not be suitable for applications that require real-time updates or high levels of interactivity.

Furthermore, stateless APIs are generally implemented using the HTTP protocol, which provides a standard set of methods (such as GET, POST, PUT, and DELETE) for accessing and manipulating resources on the server. The state information is typically included in the request headers or URL parameters.

Pros & Cons Of Stateful API 🚧

When designing an API, whether to use a stateful or stateless architecture is a tough decision. Both architectures have advantages and disadvantages, and the choice will depend on your application’s specific needs.

Here’s a quick rundown of the pros and cons of stateful APIs.

🎯 Pros of Stateful API

  • Better Performance: Stateful APIs allow developers to store data, such as user session information, persistently and make it available for the duration of the user’s session. This makes it easier for developers to create more responsive and reliable applications. Stateful APIs also give developers more control over their applications by allowing them to manage their own state. This enables them to optimise their code for better performance and scalability without relying on third-party services or libraries.
  • Real-Time Updates: Developers can create applications that respond quickly to changes and user input using stateful APIs. This makes them an excellent choice for applications that need to be highly responsive, such as online gaming or video streaming services. Also, stateful APIs allow developers to store data and manage the state between requests, making it easier to keep track of user interactions and respond accordingly. This makes them ideal for creating real-time applications that require quick responses from the server side.
  • Seamless User Experience: Stateful APIs allow developers to store and efficiently manage data, which is essential for creating applications that provide a smooth and consistent user experience. Stateful APIs also enable developers to store data in an orderly manner, which helps them develop applications that can respond quickly to user requests. This makes it easier for developers to create rapidly scalable applications and provide users with a better overall experience.

🚫 Cons of Stateful API

  • Complexity: Implementing and maintaining a stateful API can be more complex than a stateless API, as the server needs to keep track of the state of every client’s session. This can require additional resources and be prone to errors if incorrectly implemented.
  • Less Scalable: Stateful APIs are less scalable than stateless APIs because they store state information in memory or a database. This means each request to the API requires additional resources, such as a database query, which can slow down the process of responding to requests if the number of requests can cause bottlenecks and other performance issues.
  • Higher Network Usage: Stateful APIs can use more bandwidth than stateless APIs since the server needs to send and receive more data to maintain the state of the client’s session. In other words, stateful APIs require more data to be transferred between the client and server, which increases network usage.

Pros & Cons Of Stateless API 🚨

Woman coding on Apple computer

🎯 Pros of Stateless API

  • Simplicity: Stateless APIs are becoming increasingly popular due to their simplicity and scalability. They are easy to implement and maintain, making them the perfect choice for businesses looking to quickly develop and deploy applications. Stateless APIs also provide developers with a way to quickly create, store, and access data without worrying about the state of the application or server. This makes them more reliable and efficient than traditional APIs. Additionally, they are much easier to scale up or down depending on the needs of the business.
  • Cacheable: Stateless APIs are cacheable, meaning that they can be stored in a local cache or on a remote server for faster access. This allows developers to reduce latency and improve user experience by providing faster responses when data is requested from the API. By caching the stateless API, developers can ensure that requests are served quickly and efficiently, making their applications more responsive and reliable.
  • Compatibility: Another advantage of using stateless APIs is that they are more compatible with different systems and applications. They also require less maintenance since there is no need to keep track of user information or data. This makes them ideal for companies who want to develop applications quickly without having to worry about managing user data or information.

🚫 Cons of Stateless API

  • Performance: Stateless APIs can be slower and less efficient than stateful APIs, especially for applications that require many small requests since each request contains all the necessary information, including authentication, headers, and parameters.
  • Real-Time Updates: Stateless APIs may not be suitable for applications that require real-time updates or high levels of interactivity since the server can only push new data to the client without the client having to request it.
  • No Session Management: Stateless APIs do not maintain the state of the client’s session, making it difficult to manage user sessions, perform user tracking or enforce security measures, such as rate limiting and access control.

When & Where To Use Stateful Vs Stateless API 🕵

Several factors depend on whether to use a stateless or stateful API for a project. Here are some guidelines to help you determine which type of API to use.

🛠️ Stateful API Use Cases

Stateful APIs are useful when the server needs to maintain information about previous client requests to perform certain operations. For example, for applications that require user authentication and session management, stateful APIs are commonly used. The API needs to keep track of the user’s credentials and session information across multiple requests. This is particularly useful for applications requiring transactional consistency, such as financial or e-commerce applications.

Likewise, stateful APIs are helpful for real-time client communication scenarios where the server must maintain a persistent connection with the client and push data to the client in real time. Examples of real-time client communication applications using stateful APIs include interactive chat services and gaming.

Moreover, stateful APIs help enforce workflows and business logic that require maintaining the session state. For example, a financial application may use a stateful API to support a transaction’s state and verify that it meets specific requirements before executing it.

⚙️ Stateless API Use Cases

Stateless APIs are helpful when the server does not need to maintain information between client requests. This makes them ideal for building scalable and distributed systems that require high throughput, low latency, and fault tolerance.

For instance, stateless APIs are a good fit for microservices architecture, a distributed architecture where each service performs a specific function and communicates with others through APIs. Statelessness is a crucial principle of microservices architecture, allowing services to be independently deployable and scalable. Stateless APIs are used extensively in microservices architectures as they allow for easy deployment and scaling of services.

Developers working with stateless API

Another area where stateless API can be used is a content delivery network (CDN), a network of geographically distributed servers that cache static content and serve it to users from the closest server. Stateless APIs are ideal for CDNs as they allow the responses to API requests to be cached on the server side or in a CDN, which reduces the response time and improves the overall performance.

Likewise, single-page applications (SPAs) can be built using stateless APIs. SPAs are web applications that load a single HTML page and dynamically update the content as the user interacts with the application. SPAs typically use stateless APIs to communicate with the server, as the state of the application is managed on the client side using frameworks like React.

Stateful Vs Stateless APIs: Which Is Better For Your Business? ⚔️

A stateful API is likely the better choice if your business needs to maintain state information between requests, such as in a shopping cart or a login system. For example, if you have an e-commerce website, you’ll probably need a stateful API to handle the shopping cart functionality. Each time a user adds an item to their cart, the stateful API will store that information and maintain it until the user is ready to check out.

On the other hand, a stateless API may be a better choice if your business needs to handle many clients and requests, such as with a social media platform or streaming service. For example, a stateless API could deliver user content like video or audio streams. In addition, since a stateless API doesn’t need to maintain a session state, it can handle a more significant number of concurrent requests and scale more quickly.

Another example is building a mobile app that fetches data from a server. If the app only needs to bring data without maintaining state information, then a stateless API can handle those requests. This can result in faster response times for the user.

Moreover, there are several factors to consider when deciding whether to use a stateful or stateless API for your business. A stateful API may be needed if your API stores sensitive information such as user passwords or payment details. Session data can be encrypted and stored securely on the server. A stateful API can provide additional security measures, such as timeouts and locking mechanisms, to prevent unauthorised access.

Another consideration is development complexity. Stateless APIs are generally simpler to develop because they don’t require additional processing to manage the session state. However, a stateful API may be necessary if your API requires complex workflows or business logic that requires maintaining the session state.

Caching is another important consideration. Stateless APIs are ideal for caching because responses can be easily cached and reused by other clients. For example, if your API provides access to an extensive database of product information, then a stateless API could cache it. This can improve response times and reduce server load.

On the other hand, a stateful API may be necessary if your API needs to support long-running processes, such as batch jobs or background tasks. With a stateful API, session data can be used to track the progress of long-running tasks, such as processing large files or generating reports.

Ultimately, the decision between a stateful and stateless API depends on the specific needs of your business and the functionality required by your application.

Stateful Vs Stateless: Key Considerations For Developers 👨‍💻

When building APIs, developers must decide whether to use a stateful or stateless architecture. Here are some critical considerations for developers when deciding between stateful and stateless APIs.

  • Scalability: Stateless APIs are generally more scalable than stateful APIs because they do not need to maintain the session state between requests. This means they can handle many concurrent clients with high requests.
  • Performance: Stateless APIs can be faster than stateful APIs because they do not need to maintain the session state or perform additional processing to handle session management. This can result in quicker response times and better overall performance.
  • Session Management: Stateful APIs are necessary when session management is required, such as when users need to log in or maintain a shopping cart. A stateful API may be the best choice in these cases to keep the session state between requests.
  • Security: Both stateful and stateless APIs require security mechanisms to protect against vulnerabilities such as SQL injection and cross-site scripting attacks. However, stateful APIs may need additional security measures to save session data.
  • Development Complexity: Stateless APIs are generally simpler to develop than stateful APIs because they do not require session management or additional processing. However, stateful APIs may be necessary for more complex applications, requiring further development effort.
  • Caching: Stateless APIs are ideal for caching, as other clients can easily cache and reuse responses. This can result in improved performance and reduced network traffic.
  • Business Logic: Stateful APIs may be necessary when enforcing business logic or workflows that require maintaining the session’s state. For example, a stateful API may be necessary when processing financial transactions or implementing e-commerce workflows.
Web developers discussing in the office

What Does The Future Hold? 🔮

As technology continues to evolve, the future of stateful and stateless APIs will also likely grow.

🤖 The Future Of Stateful API

Stateful APIs are a type of web service that store information about a client’s session or context. This allows the API to remember previous interactions with the client and tailor subsequent responses accordingly. However, stateful APIs can be challenging to scale, as the server must maintain information about each client’s state, leading to increased memory and processing requirements.

Despite these challenges, stateful APIs are still widely used in many industries, including finance, healthcare, and e-commerce, where personalised experiences and persistent sessions are critical. In the future, we can expect stateful APIs to become even more prevalent as technologies such as artificial intelligence and machine learning enable more sophisticated and personalised interactions between clients and servers.

However, we may also see the development of more efficient ways to manage and scale stateful APIs, such as serverless computing and containerisation, which could mitigate some of the challenges associated with these APIs.

🚀 The Future Of Stateless API

Stateless APIs are web services that do not store client session or context information. Instead, each request is treated as a completely new interaction, and the API does not maintain any state between requests. This makes stateless APIs highly scalable and easier to manage, as they can be distributed across multiple servers and do not require additional resources to store client information.

In the future, we can expect stateless APIs to become even more popular as the demand for highly scalable and distributed systems continues to grow. This is especially true in industries such as fintech, healthcare, and e-commerce, where large amounts of data are processed in real-time. In addition, stateless APIs are also well-suited to support microservices architecture, which breaks down complex systems into smaller, more manageable components.

However, there may be some limitations to the types of interactions that can be supported by stateless APIs, as they do not have the ability to remember previous interactions with clients. As a result, we may see the development of hybrid solutions that combine the benefits of stateful and stateless APIs.

Final Words: Stateful Vs Stateless API 📋

There you have it: a concise guide on the difference between stateful and stateless APIs and which one to choose for your business.

Both stateful and stateless APIs have advantages and disadvantages, and choosing the right one depends on your application’s specific needs and requirements. Choosing between stateful and stateless APIs depends on the particular requirements of your application. Stateful APIs are best suited for use cases that require persistent sessions and personalised experiences, such as e-commerce or healthcare. In contrast, stateless APIs are ideal for highly scalable and distributed systems that process large amounts of data in real time, such as fintech or logistics.

When deciding between the two, it’s essential to consider factors such as the volume of data being processed, the need for personalised experiences, and the scalability requirements of the application. In some cases, a hybrid solution that combines the benefits of both stateful and stateless APIs may be the best approach. But ultimately, the decision should be based on the specific needs of your application and the resources available to manage and scale the API.

As technology evolves, the balance between stateful and stateless APIs will likely shift, and new developments and trends may emerge. Developers will need to carefully evaluate the pros and cons of each architecture to determine the best approach for their application. Whether it’s a stateful or stateless API, it’s essential to prioritise sound design principles and adhere to best practices for building robust and scalable web applications.

If you need more information on stateful and stateless APIs, feel free to reach out to us for a friendly discovery chat.

Published On

March 15, 2023