In-Depth Guide on HubSpot CMS Migration

Jerry Wallis
10 min read
You have two options for migrating your website to the HubSpot CMS: enlist the assistance of their migration service team, or tackle it independently with your own web development team or partner agency.
Man looking at computer screen with HubSpot logo

Migrating your website to HubSpot’s Content Hub can significantly enhance your digital presence. The hub provides robust tools for content management, marketing automation, and analytics. 

However, migrating a website to HubSpot differs from migrating to any other platform and involves a distinct set of rules and specific processes. Here, we’ll explore the detailed process and benefits of migrating to HubSpot CMS, answering common questions and outlining the steps involved.

What Is A CMS? 🗃️

A Content Management System (CMS) is a software application that simplifies creating, managing, and publishing digital content, such as web pages, blog posts, and images, without requiring advanced technical skills or coding knowledge. It provides an intuitive interface for users to handle content and tools that help organise and structure the content for easy navigation and searchability. Popular CMS platforms include WordPress, Drupal, and HubSpot.

The primary advantage of a CMS lies in its ability to streamline digital content management. This means content creators and website administrators can focus on generating and sharing content rather than getting bogged down by technical details. This efficiency saves time and resources and ensures the content remains consistent and current.

Moreover, a CMS enhances the user experience for website visitors by facilitating more accessible access to and navigation of content. This improved usability can lead to higher engagement rates and better outcomes, such as increased conversions or enhanced customer satisfaction. Enter HubSpot CMS, which builds on these fundamental CMS benefits with additional features and integrations.

What Is HubSpot CMS? ✴️

HubSpot CMS, also known as CMS Hub, is part of the HubSpot marketing and sales platform. It is designed to help businesses create, manage, and optimise their websites, landing pages, and blogs while tracking user behaviour and engagement. Known for its user-friendly design, HubSpot CMS features a drag-and-drop editor and pre-built templates that make it easy for users to build professional-looking pages without needing technical expertise.

The platform also provides advanced customisation options, such as creating personalised content based on user behaviour and preferences. One of the standout features of HubSpot CMS is its seamless integration with the broader HubSpot platform. This enables businesses to manage marketing, sales, and customer service efforts from a single system, thus offering a cohesive customer experience across all touchpoints.

Additionally, HubSpot CMS includes robust SEO tools for optimising content for search engines and tracking performance over time. It also supports social media integration and offers comprehensive analytics, helping businesses measure the impact of their content across various channels. This makes HubSpot CMS a powerful tool for companies seeking a centralised, user-friendly platform to manage their online presence while benefiting from HubSpot’s extensive marketing and sales ecosystem.

Why Choose HubSpot CMS? ✨

Choosing HubSpot CMS for your website has many advantages that are designed to enhance your online presence and streamline your content management processes. Here are some compelling reasons to consider HubSpot CMS over other options:

Improved Security

HubSpot CMS offers a secure hosting environment with built-in SSL certificates, automatic backups, and regular software updates, ensuring your website remains safe and up-to-date.

Seamless Integration with HubSpot Suite

The integration with HubSpot CRM allows for personalised content delivery tailored to different audience segments. This seamless connection lets you track visitor behaviour and gain valuable insights into your audience’s preferences and activities.

User-Friendly Interface

HubSpot CMS is designed with a user-friendly interface that is accessible even to non-technical users. The drag-and-drop functionality simplifies web page creation and editing, eliminating the need for coding skills.

Flexibility and Customization

The platform offers extensive flexibility and customisation options. You can choose from various customisable templates and modules or create your own, ensuring your website meets your business needs.

Websites Optimised for Performance

HubSpot CMS is optimised for high performance, featuring content caching, CDN integration, and image optimisation. These features ensure that your website loads quickly and provide a great user experience, which is crucial for retaining visitors and improving engagement.

By choosing HubSpot CMS, businesses can benefit from a comprehensive, integrated solution that simplifies content management and enhances overall website performance and user experience.

HubSpot Website Migration Service 👨‍💻

HubSpot’s Website Migration service rebuilds your website content into the Content Hub, using either a proprietary Replatforming theme or a Marketplace theme. 

This migration can help you update your site while maintaining or refreshing your branding. A designated Replatforming Specialist will assist you throughout the migration process, ensuring a smooth transition.

What Is Included and What May Change? 🤓

Once your website is approved for migration, you’ll receive a migration agreement outlining the pages included and any expected changes. It’s essential to provide a live URL (or a live staging URL), as HubSpot needs to analyse the existing code to replicate your current site closely on their platform.

Understanding HubSpot’s Website Migration Process ⚙️

HubSpot’s migration service is available with Professional and Enterprise Content Hub subscriptions. The service includes migrating your existing site content and styling into HubSpot or a theme of your choice from HubSpot’s Template Marketplace. This service is ideal for customers who want to keep or update their designs using a Marketplace theme.

Migration Requirements and Limitations 🔏

Before requesting a migration, consider the following requirements and limitations:

  • Email templates are not included in the migration.
  • Typical migration timelines are 2-3 weeks, but larger projects may take longer.
  • Your current website must remain live throughout the migration process.
  • Post-approval changes to your website will not be reflected in the migrated content.
  • Access to your domain hosting (DNS) provider is necessary to launch the site after migration.
  • Certain features are not expected to migrate, including:
    • Database-driven content (like real estate listings or product catalogues) 
    • Gated content (like member access or password-protected pages) 
    • E-commerce functionality
    • Advanced forms 
    • User-generated content and third-party applications. 
  • Custom responsive design and mobile websites may also have limitations.

Requesting a Migration Through HubSpot 🤝

To initiate the migration process, contact your HubSpot account representative. If you need help reaching them, HubSpot Support can connect you. 

The Replatforming Team will evaluate your website to determine if it fits the migration process. If approved, you’ll receive a migration agreement detailing the terms, including:

  • The number of pages to be migrated
  • An estimated timeline
  • Changes to specific assets like forms

Upon agreeing to the terms, you’ll complete the payment process, and a re-platforming specialist will start working with you to gather the necessary assets.

Monitoring Your HubSpot Migration 🔎

During the migration, you can monitor the status of your HubSpot account:

Migration Confirmed: The migration has been purchased, and the specialist is gathering information.

Migration In-Progress: The team is actively working on your migration.

Migration Completed: Your content has been migrated. You have 60 days to report any design issues.

Reviewing Your Migrated Content 🔐

Once the migration is complete, you’ll receive an email notification. To review your content:

  • For website pages: Navigate to Content > Website Pages in HubSpot.
  • For blog posts and listings, Navigate to Content > Blog.
  • For templates: Navigate to Content > Design Manager.

You can view and edit your pages, blog posts, and templates to ensure everything has been migrated correctly.

Post-Migration Steps 🔁

After migration, you’ll need to:

  • Review migrated forms and set up form options.
  • Configure blog settings before publishing.
  • Integrate Google Analytics for tracking.
  • Exclude internal traffic for accurate data analytics.
  • Update DNS records and connect your domain to go live.
  • Bulk upload URL redirects to prevent broken links.

If you have any design issues, report them directly to your re-platforming specialist within 60 days. For further assistance, HubSpot Support is available to help you effectively use HubSpot’s content tools.

Noteworthy Unique Features In The HubSpot Migration Process 💡

Customising a Marketplace Theme 🏪

HubSpot allows you to customise Marketplace themes to align with your company’s branding. This customisation uses the codeless theme editor, which adjusts theme settings without modifying the source code. This ensures that your website maintains a unique look and feel consistent with your brand identity.

Alternative Languages Support 📒

If your website is available in multiple languages, HubSpot can migrate these alternative languages as long as they are individual pages on the same subdomain as the primary language. Any exclusions or limitations will be detailed in your migration agreement.

Alternative Approach: Manual Website Migration 🤔

There’s also a secondary option of managing the migration process. Migrating your website manually to HubSpot CMS involves transferring your data from your existing CMS to HubSpot with the help of a dedicated web development team. Here’s a step-by-step guide to ensure a smooth transition during this process that can sometimes get complicated very quickly.

Step 1: Run a Website Audit 🤓

Conducting a website audit is crucial as it lays the foundation for a successful migration. Use tools like Screaming Frog to extract data and identify common SEO issues. Then, group your website pages based on their templates, such as:

  • Homepage
  • About page
  • Contact us page
  • Products page (for eCommerce)
  • Blog pages
  • Other landing pages (e.g., privacy policy, return & refund)

Step 2: Create a List of Website Pages 📄

Post-audit, compile a comprehensive list of your website pages. Optimise meta descriptions and titles and fix broken links. This is also an opportunity to merge redundant pages and redirect obsolete ones to maintain a clean and effective site structure.

Step 3: HubSpot CMS Setup 📝

Next up, it’s time to set up your HubSpot CMS portal if you haven’t already. Configure your website’s navigation structure and integrate any necessary tools or services.

Step 4: Start Migrating Your Website 👍

The migration process can vary based on your website’s size and complexity. For WordPress users, HubSpot provides an efficient import feature. Here’s a quick step-by-step guide.

  1. Option: WordPress Blog Using HubSpot Importer
  2. Access Settings: In your HubSpot account, click the settings icon.
  3. Navigate to Blog Settings: From the left sidebar, go to Website → Blog.
  4. Import Blog: Select the Import Blog option and then Import a new blog.
  5. Connect WordPress: Choose WordPress to connect and enter your blog’s URL.
  6. Select Posts: Choose which blog posts to import, either as drafts or published.
  7. Initiate Import: Click Import. Monitor the status until it shows “Import completed.” If errors occur, view the details to resolve them.

During the import, review key elements like:

  • Title
  • SEO title
  • Author
  • Publish date
  • Featured image
  • Categories/Tags
  • Meta description
  • Post body

Step 5: URL Mapping and Redirects 🗺️

Map your existing URLs to new ones in HubSpot to maintain SEO equity. Set up URL redirects to ensure visitors and search engines are directed to the correct pages.

Step 6: Quality Assurance & Final Test 👓

Perform thorough quality assurance to check for any issues or inconsistencies. Test all functionalities, including forms, links, and interactive elements.

Step 7: Connect Your Domain & Launch 🚀

Once everything is verified, connect your domain to HubSpot CMS. Perform a final check and then launch your newly migrated website.

By following these steps, you can ensure a seamless migration to HubSpot CMS yourself without relying on HubSpot’s migration service team.

Conclusion – HubSpot CMS Migration 😄

HubSpot’s CMS migration service seamlessly transitions your existing website into a powerful, integrated platform that enhances your digital marketing capabilities. By understanding the process and preparing accordingly, you can ensure a smooth and successful migration to HubSpot.

But, at the same time, you also have the option to do it yourself if you have the team at your disposal to do so. If you have a website that you want to move to the HubSpot CMS but don’t have the technical expertise in your team to execute this initiative, then don’t worry; we’re here to help! We’ve helped several of our clients move their websites to the HubSpot CMS and would love to help you do the same. So, reach out to us and tell us about our project. Let’s get this journey started.

Published On

May 27, 2024