What Is Meilisearch & Is It Right For Your Software Project?

Jerry Wallis
13 min read
Magnifying glass on top of laptop keyboard

In today’s data-driven world, efficient search functionality plays a crucial role in the success of any application or website. The ability to quickly retrieve relevant information is paramount, whether you’re developing an eCommerce platform, a content management system, or even a search engine itself. While there are several search solutions available, one option that has been gaining significant attention is Meilisearch.

Meilisearch is an open-source, fast, and feature-rich search engine that is designed to be easy to use and integrate into various projects. It offers developers a powerful toolset for implementing lightning-fast and accurate search capabilities in their applications, all while being highly customisable and scalable. With its simplicity, speed, and versatility, it has emerged as a compelling alternative to traditional search engines, revolutionising the way we think about search functionality.

In this blog article, we will dive into the world of Meilisearch, exploring its key features, advantages, and use cases. We will discuss whether it is the right choice for your project by considering factors such as performance requirements, data types, and customisation options. So, let’s embark on this journey to understand why Meilisearch might be the missing piece in your application’s search puzzle.

What Is Meilisearch? 🔎

Meilisearch logo

Meilisearch is a fast and highly customisable open-source search engine designed for modern web applications. It was developed in 2018 by Clément Doumergue and Thomas Parisot to provide an efficient and scalable search engine that can be easily integrated into web applications.

At its core, Meilisearch uses advanced algorithms to process search queries and rank search results based on relevance. It can handle a large amount of data and traffic, making it suitable for small and large-scale web applications alike.

The search engine provides a range of advanced search features such as typo tolerance, faceted search, and synonym support. Developers can also customise it to fit their specific search requirements, including fine-tuning the search algorithm, adding custom ranking rules, and defining custom search filters.

It offers a RESTful API, allowing developers to easily integrate it into their web applications. The API is well-documented, making it easy for developers to understand and use.

Meilisearch is also available as a self-hosted solution, making it easy to integrate into existing infrastructure. It can be deployed on-premises or in the cloud and can integrate with popular databases such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, and Elasticsearch.

How Does Meilisearch Work? ⚙️

Meilisearch is built using modern technology and programming languages such as Rust and Node.js. Rust is a systems programming language that provides high performance and low-level control, making it an ideal choice for building a search engine. Node.js, on the other hand, is a popular server-side JavaScript runtime that allows developers to build scalable and performant web applications.

It uses advanced algorithms to process search queries and rank search results based on relevance. When a user submits a search query, the search engine breaks it down into individual terms and uses various techniques, such as stemming and synonym support, to expand the search to related terms.

Meilisearch then uses a process called inverted indexing to create a list of all the documents that contain the searched terms. This inverted index contains a list of all the unique terms in the documents and the corresponding document IDs.

Next, it scores each document based on the relevance of the search terms to the content of the document. It considers various factors, such as the frequency of the search terms in the document and their position within the document.

Features Of Meilisearch 🦄

Meilisearch is a powerful and customisable search engine that provides fast and accurate search results. Its advanced features and flexible architecture make it a popular choice among developers looking to improve the search functionality of their web applications. Below are the detailed features of Meilisearch.

  • Speed & Efficiency: Meilisearch is designed to be incredibly fast and efficient, with the ability to process search queries in milliseconds. This is made possible by the use of Rust, a systems programming language that provides high performance and low-level control. For example, the search engine can handle thousands of search queries per second, even with large datasets.
  • Typo-Tolerance: It has built-in typo-tolerance, which means it can handle misspelt search queries and still provide accurate results. It uses advanced algorithms to detect and correct spelling errors, ensuring users get the most relevant results possible. If a user searches for “Piza,” it can correct the query to “Pizza” and provide accurate results.
  • Faceted Search: It supports faceted search, which allows users to filter search results based on specific criteria. This is particularly useful for e-commerce websites or applications with large amounts of data. If a user is searching for shoes on an e-commerce website, they can filter the results by size, colour, and brand.
  • Synonym Support: It has built-in synonym support, which means it can recognise and return results for related terms. This helps to improve the accuracy of search results and provides a better user experience. If a user searches for “soda,” The search engine can also return results for “soft drink” and “carbonated beverage.”
  • Customisable Ranking Algorithm: It allows developers to fine-tune the search algorithm and customise ranking rules to fit their specific search requirements. This is particularly useful for applications with unique search needs. For instance, an e-commerce website might want to prioritise products with higher ratings or lower prices.
  • Customisable Search Filters: It allows developers to define custom search filters, making it easy for users to refine search results based on specific criteria. This is particularly useful for applications with complex search needs. For example, a real estate website might allow users to filter search results by price, location, and number of bedrooms.
  • RESTful API: It provides a well-documented RESTful API, making it easy for developers to integrate it into their web applications. The API is available in several programming languages, including Python, Ruby, and JavaScript. This allows developers to build custom search interfaces and integrate it with their existing infrastructure.
  • Self-Hosted Solution: It can be deployed on-premises or in the cloud, making it easy to integrate into existing infrastructure. It can also integrate with popular databases such as PostgreSQL, MySQL, and Elasticsearch. This provides flexibility for developers to customise their search infrastructure and control their data.

Meilisearch Vs Other Search Engines ⚔️

When it comes to choosing a search engine for your application, it’s important to compare the options available to you. Below is a comparison of Meilisearch to other search engines like Elasticsearch, Solr, and Algolia, looking at the key features of each and how they stack up against each other in terms of performance, scalability, and ease of use.

Person looking for what is Meilisearch on laptop


Meilisearch is known for its fast search capabilities, processing search queries in milliseconds. Elasticsearch and Solr are also known for their performance, but Algolia may have an advantage in terms of speed due to its distributed search infrastructure.

📈 Scalability

When it comes to scalability, Elasticsearch and Solr are the top choices. They can handle large datasets and high volumes of search queries, making them ideal for applications that require heavy-duty search capabilities. Algolia also has a scalable architecture with built-in load balancing and automatic scaling. Meilisearch is capable of handling thousands of search queries per second, but it may not be as scalable as the other search engines, especially for large datasets.

💁 Ease Of Use

Meilisearch is known for its simplicity and ease of use, with a well-documented RESTful API and customisable search features. Elasticsearch and Solr, while powerful, can be more complex to set up and configure. Algolia also has a user-friendly interface and API, making it easy for developers to integrate it into their web applications.

Is Meilisearch Right For Your Project? 🕵

Meilisearch is a fast, efficient, and customisable search engine that has gained popularity among developers. However, choosing the right search engine for your project can be a daunting task, as there are many factors to consider.

🛑 Limitations Of Meilisearch

While Meilisearch has several advantages, it also has some limitations that may impact its suitability for certain projects. These include the following.

  1. Lack Of Distributed Search: It is designed to run on a single server, making it less suitable for applications that require distributed search capabilities.
  2. Limited Language Support: It currently supports only a limited number of languages, including English, French, Spanish, and German. This may limit its usability for applications that require search functionality in other languages.

🛠️ Use Cases For Meilisearch

Meilisearch is well-suited for a wide range of applications, including those listed below.

  1. eCommerce Websites: Its fast search capabilities and customisable ranking and filtering make it ideal for eCommerce websites that require quick and accurate search results.
  2. Document Search: Its in-memory search engine and easy integration make it a good choice for document search applications that require fast and efficient search capabilities.
  3. API Search: Its well-documented API and support for various programming languages make it ideal for applications that require API search functionality.

Meilisearch is a powerful search engine that offers several advantages, including fast search capabilities, customisable ranking and filtering, easy integration, and scalability. However, its limitations, such as the lack of distributed search and limited language support, may impact its suitability for certain projects.

When considering whether Meilisearch is the right choice for your project, it’s essential to evaluate your specific requirements and determine whether the search engine’s features align with them. If your application requires fast and efficient search capabilities and has moderate search traffic, it may be an excellent choice. However, if your application requires distributed search or search functionality in languages not supported by it, other search engines may be more suitable.

Implementation Of Meilisearch: Real-World Examples 🧩

Meilisearch has been gaining popularity among developers for its speed, ease of use, and customisable features. While it’s a relatively new player in the search engine market, it has already been successfully implemented in a variety of real-world use cases.

What is Meilisearch: Glasses in front of screen with code

🛍️ eCommerce Platforms

One of the most common use cases of Meilisearch is in eCommerce platforms. With millions of products and search queries, eCommerce platforms require a fast and efficient search engine to deliver accurate results to customers. It has been successfully implemented in eCommerce platforms like The Plum Guide and Reforest Action, allowing for fast and accurate search results.

For example, The Plum Guide, a vacation rental platform, implemented Meilisearch to improve its search capabilities. They found that it was faster and more accurate than their previous search engine, leading to an increase in bookings and revenue.

📚 Knowledge Management

Another successful use case of the search engine is in knowledge management systems. Its customisable features allow it to be tailored to the specific needs of knowledge management systems, delivering fast and accurate search results for users. 

For example, the French National Center for Scientific Research (CNRS) implemented Meilisearch in their knowledge management system, allowing researchers to quickly find the information they need.

💼 Job Boards

Job boards require a fast and efficient search engine to deliver accurate job results to job seekers. The search engine has been successfully implemented in job boards like Textkernel and WorkinTech, improving search capabilities and enhancing user experience.

For example, Textkernel, a job board aggregator, implemented Meilisearch to improve its search capabilities. They found that it was faster and more accurate than their previous search engine, leading to an increase in job applications.

📰 Media & Publishing

Meilisearch has also been successfully implemented in media and publishing platforms, allowing for fast and accurate search results for users. 

For example, the French newspaper Le Monde implemented it in their platform, improving search capabilities and enhancing user experience.

👨‍💻 Developer Tools

Finally, Meilisearch has been successfully implemented in developer tools, allowing developers to search through code and documentation quickly and efficiently. 

For example, the open-source project React Native implemented it to improve their documentation search capabilities, making it easier for developers to find the information they need.

Getting Started With Meilisearch ▶️

Meilisearch is a search engine that you can use to add search functionality to your website or software application. To get started, you need to first install it on your server. This will enable you to start using it to search your data.

Once installed, you can start indexing your data. This means you will tell the search engine about your data and how it is organised. You can do this using the Meilisearch API or one of the available programming language tools called SDKs. This step is important because it helps the search engine understand your data and make it searchable.

After you have indexed your data, you can start searching it using the search engine. You can do this again using the Meilisearch API or one of the available SDKs. When you search for something, Meilisearch will quickly look through your indexed data and return relevant results.

You can also customise your search by specifying search parameters like filters, sorting, and faceting. This allows you to control how your search results are returned and presented to your users.

Office team looking at what is Meilisearch

💰 Pricing & Support

Meilisearch offers different subscription plans for customers to choose from, as well as various support options to ensure that users get the most out of the service.

Meilisearch offers three different subscription plans: Basic, Pro, and Enterprise. The Basic plan is free and allows you to index up to 100,000 documents. The Pro plan starts at around AU $1,800 per month and offers dedicated resources and advanced features such as synonyms and stemming, as well as increased indexing limits. The Enterprise plan is a custom quote option for customers with larger indexing needs and offers even more advanced features and support options.

📝 Subscription Plans, Service Level Agreements, & Technical Assistance

In addition to subscription plans, Meilisearch also offers Service Level Agreements (SLAs) to ensure that customers have guaranteed uptime and response times. The SLAs are available for Pro and Enterprise customers and come with dedicated support to help you quickly resolve any issues that may arise.

Meilisearch also provides technical assistance through various channels, including a comprehensive documentation website, a community forum, and direct support from the Meilisearch team. The documentation website provides detailed guides and tutorials on how to use the search engine, as well as examples and code snippets to help you get started. The community forum is a great place to ask questions, share ideas, and get help from other Meilisearch users. For more urgent or complex issues, Meilisearch offers direct support through email or chat.

Final Words: What Is Meilisearch? 📋

Meilisearch is a powerful and versatile search engine that can enhance the search functionality of your website or application. Its easy-to-use API and SDKs make it simple to index and search your data, while its advanced features and customisation options allow you to tailor your search to your specific needs.

Whether you’re looking for a basic search solution or a more advanced search tool, Meilisearch offers a range of subscription plans to fit your requirements. With Meilisearch, you can offer your users fast and accurate search results, improving their overall experience and engagement with your product or service.

So, if you’re looking to add search functionality to your project, Meilisearch may be the solution for you.

If you need more information about Meilisearch, feel free to reach out to us for a friendly discovery chat.

Published On

June 07, 2023